Sunday, February 15, 2009

Celebrate love...

Ahh, Valentine's Day...The day of love, the day that lovers look deeply into each others eyes and reflect introspectively about why they are together, the day of flowers, candy and diamonds, the day of hearts, the day of 9 hours of sitting on middle school benches watching high school boys basketball, the day of ibuprofen and anti-flamatory medication for back pain, the day of turning your seat heater on as a heating pad on your way home. read it right 9 hours!

But in the end it was all worth it. Both boys teams won and clinched 1st place in the regular season along with a 1st round bye in the tournament. They have one more regular season game before the tournament begins and both are looking forward to it.

Valentines day did come with flowers and more heart shaped donuts from Roger.

Aren't my flowers beautiful!?!?! Roger did good. He got Kylie a flowering plant...hopefully she has a green thumb!


Mindy said...

Gorgeous flowers! Congrats on winning the bball games. My sympathy to the parents that sat through all of those hours on bleachers! What we don't do for our kids. I'm secretly relieved that this week is ds's last week of basketball for the year (shhhh.....).

Anonymous said...

Don't we have sweet husbands. Roger, Jim and Papa all got us flowers.
Yea Team, the boys did great in basketball. Great Job!!