Ewww!! A critter - presumably a rat has gotten stuck in our chimney! We have tried a couple of different ways to see if we can see it or get to it, but to no avail. So we have a couple of options..
1. Pay someone who knows how much money to come out here take apart the fireplace flume and retrieve the critter - that they will then take out and "dispose" of..
2. Sit here and listen to it scratching and clawing away trying to get out and hope it doesn't figure out that 8" high tube in the middle is a faster way out and decide to make one last valiant attempt at freedom and succeed into my living room! Yes, the flue (sp?) is closed, but that just makes it a flipper door!
3. Lite the fire and try to help it make a quick, peaceful transition to the other side and on to a better place that does not involve my house at all!
And why does it bother me at all that something that I put out poison for in the garage to get rid of is dying a slow and not so silent death in my chimney? Because when they eat the poison in the garage...they go off and die someplace else and I don't have to listen to it doing so!
TTYL..I have to go put my headphones on and crank up my iPod! Ugh!
Daffodil CT Tag
5 months ago
ooh yuk.... A kitten was born in our attic and fell down in the wall. It about drove me crazy until Eddie got home the next day and cut a hole in the wall to get it out. Poor thing cried and clawed the wall all night. I played my cd player loud all night trying to drown the noise out. Poor Kylie.
She wasn't really happy about it when she thought it was a bird...Oh, poor birdie! We have to help it mom! Now that we have decided it wasn't a bird (No flappy feather sounds) and that it is a rat, she is like, Let's light the fire and cook it! Bwahahahah....wonder where that maniacal streak comes from?
But if it dies in there, you'll have to deal with the smell. Eww!!!
I think it takes a while for the smell to go away......... Yuck That is a really bad smell.
I know..we actually had it happen a few years back when one got in either the hot water heater room or the attic right above and died. It was unbearable..but it was definitely noticeable. I will put my Scentsy burner over there and leave it on!
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