Friday, November 7, 2008

Do I really want to start this blogging thing?

Well, since my sister-in-law (who is a blog-xpert) found out I have a blog that I have posted on only once over a year ago, I guess I should try and make it a habit.

Things that worry me about starting and maintaining a blog are…Is this going to become just one more thing on my to do list? Am I going to be compared to Liz – Not as funny, too brain dead to figure out how to do the cute backgrounds she uses instead of the canned ones I am using now or how to figure out how to post pictures? Will the whole world think we are both strange and dysfunctional now instead of just her? I am I going to be sorry I gave her the opportunity to pay me back for the smarty-pants comments I made on her blog? Will anyone read it I really want anyone to read it? I worry about these things you know!

I guess I could change my picture to one of someone other than myself so if I ever meet a total stranger on the street who has read my blog, they will never know it is me! Friends and family members already know the truth about my sanity so nothing more can be done there… But you know, if Liz doesn't tell anyone this is here and I don't tell anyone, it could take years for anyone else I know to even find out! Shhhh....this place is a secret!


Liz said...

Oh yes you do! I am going to get a book printed of mine for each on of my girls when someone supports the blogger format.

Liz said...

p.s. I am not a blog expert but any means I started mine over a year its not hard. I will show you the easiest way to add post and pictures (not through blogger)when we come over today.